2011년 10월 7일 금요일

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This would have applied to boys or girls.What types of activities you ask? Well, everyone
needs to know how to swim, and it would start early.Next, would come cycling, skiing
and tennis. Discipline, responsibility and accountability are among the wonderful attributes sports related activities
will instill in your child.Drugs, alcohol and gangs instantly brand you as someone who isn't
participating and growing in society as a whole. Renninson is a motivational speaker and co-author
of the popular parenting tool and illustrated storybook "Zooch the Pooch, My Best Friend".
Actually, I think it might not be a bad idea for most children given the
condition of schools today.Lastly, TV and video games might play a part in life, but
a minute part. At least, that's what we hope for, right?In the end, it's
one man's opinion...mine.Keith E. But, doesn't it all still boil tn requin down to common sense
morality?No matter how you look at your child's future, it's obvious you can't always make
their choices or decisions for them, but you can set a good example by showing
them how you decide what is good for you and what's not.The activities we choose
in life say a lot about us; kids will learn much about life from the
activities they choose and the ones they see their parents participating in. Video games
have been linked to great mental skills, so they would be okay if they were
of a non-violent, non-sexual or non-racist nature.So, how am I doing so far? Think
I'd make it as a parent?It always looks so easy from the armchair of an
observer rather than from that of a participant, but this is one sport (?) that
I can only view from the sidelines. nike pas cher No matter where you go in life
one of those would present itself and offer friendship, companionship and camaraderie. Okay, let's get
this out right up front...I've never had any children, BUT if I had been lucky
enough to have some, one of the household rules would have been everybody learns how
to do certain activities. Your future will be limited, and possibly, very short.If a
parent lives a life that their child can emulate well in society; functions on a
level to assure success of some nature, and stimulates enthusiasm for life and it's possibilities,
most any child will see what lies before them with happy passion. Through the
1990's with much self-examination, academic study, bicycle racing, and mountain climbing, he discovered a renewed
zest of life, which included a love of metaphysics, philosophy, humor, and writing and speaking.
I would include golf, but it has become a lazy man's sport, using golf
carts and drinking far too much beer to be considered a sport, unless you're the
next Tiger Woods, of course.The optional activities would include any musical instrument or academic pursuit
that the child was interested in.Kids today are also encouraged to participate in the martial
arts, which could easily be added to the list if the child was so inclined.
As Keith says, "Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue...it's
all in what you make of it." You can read more about "Zooch the Pooch"
or contact Keith to speak at: http://www.zoochthepooch.com Keith and his co-author Michael Conrad Kelley speak
to teens and adults on "The Seven Simple Steps to a More Fulfilling Life."
This course focuses on how to build a successful Life Philosophy that works for each

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